? ??????????????Friends Make It Ok? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (12 Ratings)??532 Grabs Today. 12273 Total Gra
bs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????Dark Pink Skull? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.6 (184 Ratings)??461 Grabs Today. 38842 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

to do list

  • List of different music genres plus images
  • Spider diagram
  • list of five or more bangs/musicians I like
  • begin analysis of existing forms of text

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Hello, I hope you enjoy reading my Blog as I enjoyed creating it.
The main pieces of practical work are label Practical but some of it
has got mixed in with the other media work in TV Media
and Prelim section I hope its not to much of a bother.
Signed Fred.

Monday, 19 April 2010

Evaluation Video

This my recorded run through of my evaluation Powerpoint.
I useed a tripod so I could be in the film myself.

Friday, 16 April 2010

Case study

This is my case study piece that I showed to my class today

Media evaluation

This is my recorded analysis of my evaluation for media.

Final Evaluation

This is my Evaluation presentation were I answer alot of the questions I have left unanswered and answer the evaluation questions.
Sorry I have not written alot on my blog because there is probably alot more you want me to say, but I hope you enjoyed reading this blog as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Best Double Page Spread

This post shows the best version of my Double Page Spread.
A combination of all my work and research on content pages

Best Front Cover

This post shows my Best copy of my Front Cover

Double Page Spread Developement

These are the three main stages that my Double page spread went through to get to the final stage of it's developement , from my First draft to my Best Draft.

Front Cover Developement

These are the three main stages that my Front cover went through to get to the final stage of it's developement , from my First draft to my Best Draft.

Examples of different effects that I considered using on my logo.

The Reason I tried out these different effects on this image was because I wanted to see how each of them looked and gage which of them would work the best on my front cover and to see if they would work on eny other pieces of work.

The final version of my Magazines content page.

The transitional phase of the content page.

Tuesday, 9 March 2010


View more documents from Kingflinty.


View more documents from Kingflinty.

Niche audience

View more documents from Kingflinty.

View more documents from Kingflinty.

Production practice

Other Mags

soloist work

Teacher assessment

Thursday, 4 March 2010

The Movie analysis created by Darren and Fred

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Final Confrontation

Predator VS Predalien final confrontation scene analysis,
for students aged 15 and over
Power Point will be added shortly.

Monday, 1 March 2010

Soloist Article

The Soloist review Film Reviews - Times Online

This Article is an review on a reasonable good movie that met failure due to the bad timing of it's release and the true story it is based on is forgotten as just a mear technicality, media these days has a habit of destroying the uplifting stories in the place of depressing garbage that they blow all out of proportion to get more people to read and watch their rubbish but this review is different as it has both sides of the story, The Media has demolished the heart warming story that shows not all newspaper journalist are slime balls.

Feed back

Feed Back from Peer Evaluation
Genre: Rock Music
Audience: Musicians/ Aspiring musicians
What I thought:
Good use of colour, needs more text, content page to bland, alright needs completing
Feed Back:
Successes- Great use of vibrant colours and effects on cover goes well with Genre, Simple but good, good editing on the cover and DPS, Cool photo editing, Cool drawings, Unique DPS

Improvements- Enhance picture brightness on DPS, Fonts could be more Rock and Roll, Picture on DPS could be more Genre suited, Have flame effects and shouting. More colour and info on the content page. More variety of fonts.

General Comments- Like the use of Boxes on DPS, Content page to simple more photos required, use skulls, good but only content page need improvement, try different fonts on content page.

Level 3

Friday, 12 February 2010

This is my Draft Content page its good but
I think it still needs something

This is my Draft Double page spread I'm Happy with the
way it has turned out but I think it still needs Tweeking

This is My Draft Magazine cover, I think that it allright but it still needs some work.
What do you think?

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

These are some of the hand drawn images I might use in my Magazines Design.

This is My own Drum kit that I am going to use in the main image on my Double page spread, not this exact picture obviously.


This is another magazine front cover analysis this time on a Kerrang Magazine.

Mock Content

This is my Mock design for my Magazine's content page.

These are the six people I have selected as candidates to be the model in the image I will place on my magazine's double page spread.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

My Drums

These are some of the shots I took of my own Drum Kit at home, I took these photos using my own camera. There close ups as I don't want people to see what a state my room is in.


View more documents from Kingflinty.

These are examples of existing skull Details, I think that a one would look good on my magazine as alot of the Rock art work I have seen contain skulls.

Monday, 8 February 2010

View more documents from Kingflinty.

These are the note I made will watching the extra feature on the 'This is England' DVD, these note start with the Interview with Shane Meadows the Producer and Director and moves on to the Director's/Actor's comentary. It's light but good reading.

Examples of instruments used in Rock Music

Thursday, 4 February 2010

Log Om 2
These are examples of existing logos from all kind of differnet media


View more documents from Kingflinty.

These are different kinds of fonts that I have considered for my Magazine I decided to use the font at the bottom of the page.

Made my Decision

I Finally decided what colour I was going to use for my magazine's font,
I decided to use the red as it works better with the genre of the music I have chosen.

Colour wheel

Colour 2
I used a Colour Wheel to help me decide what colour to use for my Magazine's font colour

Thursday, 28 January 2010


Mag 2
Examples of Magazine setups I might use

Mag 1
Finally come through


Computers at school are Driving me mad!!
I uploaded work but it hasn't come through.
What a pain!

Pitch Feedback
I took this information into account and changed my Pitch

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

More Magazine analysis.

Monday, 25 January 2010

To Do List

.Link list
.Fillout Audience Profiling
.complete more analysis of magazines
.Snapshots of people
.Analysis of contence pages and Double page spread

A Grid
The audience profile sheet

Friday, 22 January 2010

This contains examples of contence pages and double page spreads

This is my updated pitch

More detailed Mood Board

These are the conponents I used when I made my Mock Magazine

These are the components I used to make my Mock Magazine

Thursday, 21 January 2010

My Mock Magazine

I went onto a website and obtained a template which I liked, then I uploaded 4 images I had on my computer in paint documents and added them in the 4 open spaces on the magazine template I then copied the magazine into a paint document ad added my logo Magazine Title and the contence in yellow along the top. I then added thurther detail in the form of the 'Music Magazine' text , musical notes and cracking on both sides of the title.

Friday, 8 January 2010

Characters in the scene
Dr who – he is an alien species called a time lord and he is the only one left of his species
Rose Tyler- she is a human that is helping out the Dr and is known as his assistant
The music that is used in this scene is both diegetic and non-diegetic. The diegetic music that is in this scene is when the Dr starts up the tardis and this makes a noise that both the audience and the characters can both hear. Then the non-diegetic music that is used in the clip is at the beginning when the tardis is travelling.
The lighting that has been used in this scene uses many colours and brightness. The first light that is seen is when the camera focuses on the Dr and this is in the tardis, there is then a green light in the centre console of the tardis and this is the first lighting that is used in the scene, then the second light that is used in the scene is all of the yellow lights on the wall of the tardis and these are all over the wall, then the next light is when the Dr transforms into another person and this bursts out of his body making the background black and the foreground white. When the camera focuses on the Dr the background is dark.
Dr Who
• He is an alien time lord and he is the last of his king
• He is dressed in a leather jacket, with black t-shirt and then there is black trousers and black shoes
Rose Tyler
• Rose is a human and she is the Dr’s assistant
• She is dressed in a red jacket, with a white t-shirt, black trousers and black shoes
The story
The story of Dr Who is all about 1 man and he calls himself the Dr. The Dr is an alien that is the last of his king and he is travelling through time and space to save planets that are in danger for great evil, but the Dr is not alone on all of these quests because he has an assistant and in this episode his assistant is called Rose Tyler and she is an average human female.
Camera shots
The camera shots that are used in this scene are:
• Mid shot
• Looking up at the Dr
• Looking down on rose
• Close up
• Establishing shot
• Low angle shot
• Changes quick
The props that are used in the scene are:
• The background which is the tardis
• Computer screen
• Cables
• Watch
• Towel
• Cushions
• Chair
• Clothing

Thursday, 7 January 2010

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

I did this analysis in the christmas holiday

I did this analysis over the Chrismas holiday